5 Ways Salesforce WooCommerce Integration Boost Your Sales

WooCommerce Salesforce Integration | August 12, 2024
5 Ways Salesforce WooCommerce Integration Boost Your Sales

Every WooCommerce store owner wants to see their stocks going high, kissing the sky. They want to see their store reaching its full potential & generate good ROI. But there exists a number of problems that halt them from getting closer to their goals. The biggest of those problems is the below-average ecommerce sales, ecommerce marketing & customer service systems.       

When people visit your WooCommerce store, they are not only chasing the product or service or whatever you are selling. They are chasing a feeling, a status, a mentality or maybe their own ego. You need to focus immensely on those drivers which brought them to you. 

However, most of the time it isn’t possible to tap on those drivers because your store is already struggling with inadequate & unorganized systems. When you don’t have the basics in place like centralized inventory management, customer management, lead management & tracking, synchronization of data, multi-channel marketing & more. The business is bound to suffer. 

Am I making sense? I guess I am making a lot of it!   

The sphere (that we talked about right above) where you are at brawl with your own terms, is where the Salesforce comes in with a fix. It is the most powerful CRM software that helps you eradicate every problem (we discussed above) from their roots with just one click. 

But. but. but… There is a catch! 

You need a reliable solution to do the Salesforce WooCommerce Integration. And that’s exactly where WooCom Made Easy enters the game. It is a mind-blowing Salesforce application that is readily available on the AppExchange for free-of-cost installation. 

Download Now! (AppExchange external-link)    

In this blog we will discuss how you can seamlessly integrate Salesforce with your WordPress WooCommerce store. And surpass all your business goals that you weren’t even able to come closer to, earlier.   

Though, our center of discussion will be how WooCom Made Easy will increase your ecommerce sales faster. In a way that will make you wonder why you didn’t do it sooner

The E-Commerce Struggles

The struggle in the ecommerce business is real but it doesn’t have to be. Starting an ecommerce store and running it sustainably is not a walk in the park. You need to act extra smart to do it right.  

The abandoned carts, unmanaged customer journeys, disengaged customers, less scope of qualified leads and the constant pressure to increase that bottom-line number makes running the business even worse. But not anymore! Because now you have the seamless Salesforce WooCommerce ConnectorWooCom Made Easy. 

Why Integration Between Salesforce and WooCommerce is Essential? 


Why do you need an integration between your mind and the entire body? To live well! 

Similarly, if you want your ecommerce store to live and earn well. You need an integration between WooCommerce & Salesforce asap. That’s the only option you have to streamline your online store.  

Salesforce is the undefeated king of CRMs and WooCommerce builds an industry-leading ecommerce store using WordPress. Connecting both of these power-packed platforms will provide you with a powerhouse of data & functionality that will dynamically transform the tangent of your online business.  

5 Reasons Why Salesforce WooCommerce Store Integration is Essential:

  1. Elimination of Data Silos

The data of customers, sales figures, order information, etc are found scattered in different parts of the ecommerce systems without the integration. This scattering of data leads to a fragmented view of the customer journey. 

It further makes it difficult for the marketing & sales teams to understand the psychology, buying behavior, needs, urgencies & preferences of the customers. The seamless integration breaks down these unwanted silos & flushes them out of the systems. So, it will provide you a unified journey & you will know what’s cooking in the customer’s mind.  

  1. Excellent Customer Experience

Obviously, people visit your store not because they love you or something, they are in need of what you are selling. But if you lack the intention & tools to provide an excellent experience to your online visitors, they will surely find another seller online. It’s that simple. 

The integration is essential because it will offer you a 360-degree view for every single customer. WooCome Made Easy syncs the sales, marketing, & customer support teams without any flaw. It enables them to develop personalized marketing campaigns for different customer segments, 

  1. Enhanced Operational Efficiency

If you set out on a hunch to transfer data from one platform to another manually, there will be high possibilities of errors. It is definitely an inefficient and time-consuming procedure where you are supposed to fail. If you want to increase ecommerce sales, you need to plan better. And what can be better than a flawless integration that gets you ahead. 

But if you do integration using WooCom Made Easy, you can easily automate data transfer accurately and free up yourself & your workforce to focus on high-value business activities. Get opportunities created automatically in the Salesforce CRM, trigger workflows & notifications to the relevant teams as soon as an order is placed on your WooCommerce store. How impressive! 

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making

After successfully integrating the two platforms you will have all the WooCommerce data flooded into the Salesforce. It will allow you with powerful insights about product performance, customer behavior, buying pattern & more. The data will also help you in better understanding of the inventory, future marketing strategies, pricing, product development, etc.

Salesforce integration allows you to think better because you will be having sales data from WooCommerce on your Salesforce dashboard. When you have all the scattered data at one place, you will think better, improving your decision-making power. 

  1. More Sales & Revenue

Salesforce WooCommerce integration is a game-changer for ecommerce stores. It enables you to recognize and take advantage of the sales opportunities more effectively. When you know what your (would be) customers prefer, how they think, what price they are ready to pay, what is their buying history, what excites them the most and more, it becomes easy to make more sales and generate more revenue.

WooCom Made Easy is a Game-Changer! 


Read Below

  • Automates every routine task on WooCommerce
  • Helps focus more on strategic decision-making
  • Streamlines operation & reduces manual effort
  • Provides holistic view of your customers
  • Delivers personalized experiences at every touchpoint 
  • Increases ecommerce sales by 10X

5 Ways Salesforce WooCommerce Integration Will Increase Your Sales

If you are worried about how to increase sales of your WooCommerce store in 2024. You shouldn’t be. Let me explain why! 

Selling is the ultimate goal of every business. And if that is not happening as per the expectations, the business is surrendering to non-performance. 

The competition is fierce, customer acquisition and retention is a headache, abandoned shopping cart knocks down the morale of store owners, logistics and shipping is a pinch on the heart, returns & refunds are the grave diggers. I mean, there’s too much to be handled in an ecommerce business!  

On top of that, when WooCommerce stores avoid integration with Salesforce, it’s an open invitation to huge losses. Also, most businesses ignore this integration because it’s quite challenging.  

However, not anymore with WooCom Made Easy. Integrate when you want, how you want for the amount of sales you want! 

Here are the ways WooCommerce Salesforce integration will boost your sales: 

  1. The Customer Data Goldmine

Salesforce isn’t a rookie, it’s the CRM beast for a reason. Connecting your WooCommerce with Salesforce will transform your online store into another beast instantly. On integration, Salesforce will fetch all the data that’s in your store & will provide you with a 360-degree customer view at one place. 

Every customer that has ever interacted with your brand will be captured and analyzed to provide you detailed insights about your business. The holistic customer view will include:

  • Purchasing Habits: It is all about what your customer buys, how they buy, when they buy and how much they exactly spend. 
  • Communication History: This functionality helps you keep a track of the log of every single email, chat or phone call. 
  • Website Behavior: It tells you about the behavior of people who visit your site, what products do they view, what they put into their carts, and what makes them drop the idea of buying.   

This all makes up the customer data goldmine and if you can make the best out of it, you will end up making the amount of money you haven’t before. You can use such data in the following ways:

  • Optimized Marketing: Ecommerce marketing is all about chasing the high-value customer segments. This data helps you identify the ideal customer segments and tailor your marketing campaigns accordingly.    
  • Hyper-Personalization: Every individual has a different preference when it comes to buying. You can study the preferences of all your customers in detail and send them hyper-personalized offers and recommendations appealing to their individual needs.
  • Predict Churn: Forecasting based on customer data can set you apart from your competitors. With help of the goldmine data do astrology-level forecasting, spot the early warning signs and take precautionary measures to retain the customers. 
  1. Scalability, Without Breaking the Bank

Every business needs a solution that’s faster, safer, reliable and scalable, directly proportional with the growing business demands. The cloud-based solutions come with their own bundle of advantages and scalability in one of them.  

Likewise, both WooCommerce and Salesforce grow with your business i.e., they offer you more flexibility when you run more business operations. This one-time successful WooCommerce Salesforce integration is sufficient. You don’t have to upgrade to an expensive tool or hardware as far as scalability is concerned. 

  1. Streamlined Sales Processes 

If your sales process lacks smoothness, your sales will lack the numbers. I guarantee you.

The back and forth switching between the tools and software not only makes selling sluggish but also delivers an unsatisfactory customer experience. The result? No sales. Connecting Salesforce with WooCommerce using WooCom Made Easy brings your sales, marketing & support team on the same page. It boosts your WooCommerce sales through:

  • Sales Forecasting: It allows you to make highly-accurate predictions which are based on the real-time customer data. 
  • Order Management: The integration helps you track orders, manage inventory, process payments and disburse orders, all from within Salesforce. 
  • Lead Nurturing: This high-value connection not only helps you generate leads but also makes you do the lead nurturing like a pro, without being one. It helps in automating the follow-up emails and personalizing the customer journeys that will further boost your sales.

All this will help your sales team spend less time on the routine work and more time on closing deals faster, increasing your sales revenue. 

  1. The Power of AI

With Salesforce CRM integration you get an innovative AI called Salesforce Einstein to help you do great things with your online business. With it, you can easily do the following things:

  • Generate Actionable Insights: It allows ecommerce businesses like yours to see the unseen and identify those opportunities and patterns in the available data. 
  • Predict Customer Behavior: Linking these cloud-based giants together will help you anticipate the requirements of the market and offer hyper-customized solutions to the segmented markets. 
  • Automate Routine Tasks: For you to focus on the high-impact tasks, you have to first automate all the routine work and shift the focus on things that bring in the real money – sales. 
  1. Competitive Edge

Let’s be real! Most of your competitors might not be taking advantage of the Salesforce WooCommerce integration. It’s a sign of you becoming the industry-leader, by making the first move.

Making that first move will be super easier if you will use WooCom Made Easy! It’s the WooCommerce Salesforce connector for people who love selling online!

This is how WooCom Made Easy gives you a competitive edge:

  • It helps you understand your customers better.
  • It helps you make better decisions through data-backed customer insights.
  • It helps you deliver personalized experiences which they find nowhere else.
  • It helps you move faster by streamlining the processes and reacting to market changes instantly.


Stop considering WooCommerce and Salesforce as two different entities, if you want to grow your business and increase ecommerce sales. Also, stop using complex tools and software that more complicates running your business. Business needs to be simple! 

Salesforce and WooCommerce are two sides of the same coin, integrate them using WooCom Made Easy.  

If you need technical support to get started with our seamless integration, let us help you over a call! 

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5 Ways Salesforce WooCommerce Integration Boost Your Sales

5 Ways Salesforce WooCommerce Integration Boost Your Sales

Every WooCommerce store owner wants to see their stocks going high, kissing the sky. They want to see their store reaching its full potential & generate good ROI. But there exists a number of problems that halt them from getting closer to their goals.

Ecommerce | August 12, 2024